CO2 ART DIY CO2 KIT - Day one

When I awoke today I was hoping to see a fully operational CO2 generator in action. Unfortunately this wasn't the case for me. I had very little change from the night before.
After going over the kit itself and some more advice from the guys as CO2 ART, I was able to confirm that the problem wasn't the kit. Everything was working there. The bottles were air tight, the defuser was still secured to my powerhead ok and the needle valve was ok too.
With everything as it should be, I made the decision to replace the sugar/yeast mix. I read online that the water needs to be warm at around 40 degrees to activate the yeast correctly. Due to the nifty screw top connectors, I was able to unscrew the generator bottle easily and replace the mix quick enough. This will come in handy when it comes to replacing the expired mix in the future.
So, new mix in place and I'm already seeing more bubbles than I did all last night. I must remember that water temperature for next time.
So after a false start, we're finally up and running with steady bubbles transferring from the generator into the water bottle consistently. I've left the needle valve open slightly and I expect co2 to be traveling into the aquarium in the morning.
If you would like to find out more about the kit I'm using, visit
Bye for now

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